Smart Industry Platform
We provide many optimization models for smart industry with:
- [SINP-CP]: Control Process
- [SINP-MF]: Manufacturing
- [SINP-SC]: Supply Chain
[sinp-cp][1]: Minimizing energy loss using GP
How to maximize the rate of energy supplied to the industry and obtain the optimum?
[sinp-cp][2]: Minimizing hot-rolling process using GP
How to minimize the cost in the hot-rolling process?
[sinp-cp][3]: Maximizing the profit for producing allocation
How to maximize profit by allocating the optimal number of products to suitable facilities?
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[sinp-mf][1]: A production planning model
The company want to develop a plan with two objectives concurrently: 1. Minimize overall production cost 2. Maximize utilization of working hours
[sinp-mf][2]: A production plan with goal programming
To be updated!
[sinp-mf][3]: Assigning workload for skilled and semiskilled workers
How many tables should produce in a week in order to maximize profit?
[sinp-mf][4]: Employing skilled and semiskilled workers
How many tables should produce in a week and how many workers should be employed in order to maximize profit?
[sinp-mf][5]: Meet the demand of production in the penalty minimization
How many products each type does the manufacturer need to produce to minimize the penalty?
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ODMO Development

Improve model
Develop your model from ODMO library

Develop model
Develop your model from ODMO fields

Renew model
Develop your model from any idea