Application of Online Optimization Supporting
Problem-Solving & Decision-Making
Applied Optimization
Smart Agriculture Platform
Smart Business Platform
Smart Communication Platform
Smart Design Platform
Smart Digital Platform
Smart Environment Platform
Smart HealthCare Platform
Smart Industry Platform
Smart Transportation Platform
ODMO Solutions + Demo
Smart Agriculture Platform
[sagp-cu][1]: Maximizing tree production
The target is to optimize the number of planted trees per acre such that the yield is maximized.
[sagp-cu][2]: Maximizing tree production with more contraints
The target is to optimize the number of planted trees per acre such that the yield profit is maximized.
[sagp-cu][3]: Cropping plan optimization
The target is to optimize the the area of yields such that the profit is maximized.
[sagp-cu][4]: Maximizing garden shop revenue
The target is to optimize the number of gardening mixture and potting mixture packages such that the income is maximized.
[sagp-cu][5]: Minimizing the cost of fruit drink
How much of each fruit drink should the catere use to obtain the required composition at minimum cost?
[sagp-ls][1]: Pig livestock optimization
How many day should the holder keep pigs to maximize the profit rate?
[sagp-ls][2]: Optimizing the pig farm revenue
The target is to determine the optimal time for selling pigs for revenue maximization.
[sagp-ls][3]: Maximizing turnover of Pig farm under different genders
The target is to provide optimal options for choosing models accoding to the changes in pig price.
[sagp-ls][4]: Maximizing turnover of pig farm under different food types
The target is to provide optimal options for choosing food-type models accoding to the changes in export price.
[sagp-ls][5]: Maximizing turnover of turtle farm
When are the optimal import time and export time for maximizing the turtle farm revenue?
To be updated!
Smart Business Platform
[sbup-po][1]: Product-mix problem in furniture industry
How many tables and chairs should the manufacturer produce in order to maximize the overall profit?
[sbup-po][2]: Optimizing a production planning model
Minimize overall production cost while Maximize utilization of working hours.
[sbup-po][3]: Meet demand of production in the penalty minimization
How many products each type does the manufacturer need to produce to minimize the penalty?
[sagp-ls][1]: Pig livestock optimization
How many day should the holder keep pigs to maximize the profit rate?
[sagp-ls][2]: Optimizing the pig farm revenue
The target is to determine the optimal time for selling pigs for revenue maximization.
[sagp-ls][3]: Maximizing turnover of Pig farm under different genders
The target is to provide optimal options for choosing models accoding to the changes in pig price.
[sagp-ls][4]: Maximizing turnover of pig farm under different food types
The target is to provide optimal options for choosing food-type models accoding to the changes in export price.
[sagp-ls][5]: Maximizing turnover of turtle farm
When are the optimal import time and export time for maximizing the turtle farm revenue?
[sbup-ti][1]: Portfolio risk minimization
Investment allocation for minimizing the risk
[sbup-ti][2]: Maximizing long-term investment
How is to maximize the total profit after 5 years investment?
[sbup-ti][3]: Maximizing rental income
The target is to optimize the number of rented apartments such that the income per month is maximized.
[sbup-ti][4]: Maximizing annual return for investment
The target is to allocate money to bonds for maximizing the total return.
[sbup-ti][5]: Network flow problem
How to minimize the probability of having traffic jam via path planning from node 1 to node 5?
[sbup-ti][6]: Investment of multimedia advertising
How to allocate the number of advertisements on TV, radio and daily newspaper to maximize fulfill the demand?
To be updated!
Smart Communication Platform
[scop-ra][1]: Antenna selection
To be updated!
[scop-ra][2]: Power allocation
How much power should we allocate to this BS serving each user for maximizing the total date rate?
[scop-ra][3]: Maximizing throughput
Determine tower location that minimize total distance from new tower to existing towers.
To be updated!
To be updated!
Smart Design Platform
[sdep-md][1]: A curtain material trim loss problem
Determine the production plan that minimizes the curtain material trim loss.
[sdep-md][2]: Maximizing the volume of a box
How to maximize the volume of the box with the constraints of wall and floor?
[sdep-md][3]: Minimizing bounding box for floor plan
How to minimize the bounding box for floor design plan with the constraints of legth and width of floor?
[sdep-md][4]: A design of water pipeline using GP
The target is to find the dimension of container such that the cost of material for designing the container is minimized.
[sdep-md][5]: A design of box for storing using GP
The task for designers is how to design an optimal box with the aim of cost minimization.
[sdep-md][6]: A design of closed tank using GP
What are the optimal sizes of the tank to minimize the material cost?
[sdep-md][7]: Design Box
The target is to find the dimension of container such that the cost of material for designing the container is minimized.
[sdep-md][8]: Design Closed Box
The target is to find the dimension of box such that the volume of designed box is maximized.
[sdep-md][9]: Design Garden
The target is to find the dimension of garden such that the cost of material for designing the garden is minimized.
[sdep-md][10]: Design Can (Soda can)
The target is to find the cheapest cost to ensure the standard volume of can.
[sdep-md][11]: Design Tank
The target is to find the cheapest cost to ensure the volume of tank.
To be updated!
Smart Digital Platform
To be updated!
To be updated!
[sdip-dsp][1]: Optimize Otsu’s method for classifying foreground and background
How to improve the Otsu’s method to find the optimal threshold T more quickly?
[sdip-dsp][2]: Digital signal processing
To be updated!
Smart Environmental Platform
To be updated!
To be updated!
[senp-ge][1]: Electrical power allocation
How to allocate the power for factories from suppliers with the aim to minimize the wasted power?
[senp-ge][2]: Green environment problem
To be updated!
[senp-ge][3]: Optimal forest exploitation
How to exploit this forest in 8 years to maximize the total old area with the constraints of the total demand and the environment protection concurrently?
To be updated!
Smart Healthcare Platform
To be updated!
[shcp-ra][1]: Optimal nutrient from food for training regimen with minimum cost
How much of each food should eat each day to meet requirement regimen with the lowest cost?
[shcp-ra][2]: Optimal nutrient units for athletes with minimum cost
How many units of each nutrient should be supplied for athlete in order that the cost of training plan is minimum?
[shcp-ra][3]: (*) Medical resouce allocations (Covid pandemic)
How to allocate with minimum required resource for THREE medical hotspots?
[shcp-ra][4]: Optimal meal for a dietician with minimum cost
How many grams of each type of food shoud be served to minimize the cost of the meal while still satisfy the dietician’s requirements?
[shcp-ra][5]: Allocate doctors for treatment after an accident
How to allocate patients to doctors for minimizing risk?.
Smart Industry Platform
[sinp-cp][1]: Minimizing energy loss using GP
How to maximize the rate of energy supplied to the industry and obtain the optimum?
[sinp-cp][2]: Minimizing hot-rolling process using GP
How to minimize the cost in the hot-rolling process?
[sinp-cp][3]: Maximizing the profit for producing allocation
How to maximize profit by allocating the optimal number of products to suitable facilities?
[sinp-mf][1]: A production planning model
The company want to develop a plan with two objectives concurrently: 1. Minimize overall production cost 2. Maximize utilization of working hours
[sinp-mf][2]: A production plan with goal programming
To be updated!
[sinp-mf][3]: Assigning workload for skilled and semiskilled workers
How many tables should produce in a week in order to maximize profit?
[sinp-mf][4]: Employing skilled and semiskilled workers
How many tables should produce in a week and how many workers should be employed in order to maximize profit?
[sinp-mf][5]: Meet the demand of production in the penalty minimization
How many products each type does the manufacturer need to produce to minimize the penalty?
To be updated!
Smart Transportation Platform
[stsp-lg][1]: Minimize the number of trucks for package transportation
How many trucks is the minimum number needed for shipping all packages from the warehouse to three areas within a given number of days?
[stsp-lg][2]: Minimize transportation time in Logistic
What is the minimum transportation time for shipping all packages from the warehouse to three areas with a given number of trucks in company?
[stsp-lg][3]: Choosing locations for new plants
Find the locations for 3 new assembly plants to minimize the delivery cost.
[stsp-lg][4]: Airport taxiway optimization
Designing a smart schedule to minimize taxi distance can not only reduce the moving duration of airplanes, but also reduce the cost of energy consumption.
[stsp-ra][1]: Optimal resource of vehicle types
How many of each type of van should be purchased to maximize number of served passengers.
[stsp-ra][2]: Minimizing transportation cost
How many units should be transported from each factory to each deplot in order that the cost of transportation plan is minimum?
[stsp-ra][3]: A vehicle mix problem with maximum vehicle numbers
To move a maximum amount of cubic meters, what mix of Mack and Mercedes vehicles should the commanding officer choose?
[stsp-ra][4]: Bus allocation for minimizing oil consumption
How many buses should be assigned to each route for minimizing the oil consumption?
To be updated!
Mathematical Programming
[magp-lp][1]: Linear programming
Linear programming with scalar variables.
[magp-lp][2]: Linear programming (vector)
Linear programming with vector variables.
[magp-lp][3]: Linear programming (affine)
Linear programming with scalar variables and affine functions.
[magp-lp][4]: Linear programming (fraction)
Linear programming with a fractional objective of affine functions.
[magp-lp][5]: Linear programming (norm)
Linear programming with norm-l1 function.
[magp-lp][6]: Linear programming (norm)
Linear programming with norm-infinity function.
[magp-lp][7]: Linear programming (inner product)
Linear programming with inner product of LP problem.
[magp-lp][8]: Linear programming (fraction)
Linear programming with a fractional constraint.
[magp-lp][9]: Linear programming (exponent)
Linear programming with an exponential constraint.
[magp-qp][1]: Quadratic programming
Quadratic programming with scalar variables.
[magp-qp][2]: Quadratic programming (constraint)
Quadratic programming with equality constraints.
[magp-qp][3]: Quadratic programming (constraint)
Quadratic programming with inequality constraints.
[magp-qp][4]: Quadratic programming (constraints)
Quadratic programming with both equality and inequality constraints.
[magp-cp][1]: Conic programming
Conic programming with a linear problem.
[magp-cp][2]: Conic programming (constraints)
Conic programming with a model of quadratically constrained quadratic problem.
[magp-cp][3]: Conic programming (constraint)
Conic programming with general models.
[magp-gp][1]: Geometric programming (simple)
Geometric programming with a simple model.
[magp-gp][2]: Geometric programming (constraint)
Geometric programming with positive constraints of variables.
[magp-gp][3]: Geometric programming (constraint)
Geometric programming with GP constraints.
[magp-gp][4]: Geometric programming (objectives)
Geometric programming with objective functions as a list.
[magp-sdp][1]: Semidefinite programming
Semidefinite programming with a linear problem.
[magp-sdp][2]: Semidefinite programming (general)
Semidefinite programming with general models.
[magp-sdp][3]: Semidefinite programming (nonlinear)
Semidefinite programming with nonlinear functions but convexity.
[magp-stnp][1]: Structure Nonconvex Programming
Structure Nonconvex Programming with an absolute value function.
[magp-stnp][2]: Structure Nonconvex Programming (minimax)
Structure Nonconvex Programming by minimizing the maximum of a list functions.
[magp-stnp][3]: Structure Nonconvex Programming (norm)
Structure Nonconvex Programming with norm-l2.
[magp-stnp][4]: Structure Nonconvex Programming (norm)
Structure Nonconvex Programming with a norm-1 objective and linear constraints.
[magp-stnp][5]: Structure Nonconvex Programming (integer)
Structure Nonconvex Programming with integer variables.
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